Bodil Hammer Bech


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Bodil Hammer Bech

Areas of expertise

  • Epidemiology
  • Pregnancy
  • Poor well-being
  • Covid-19

Contact information

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I am an Associate Professor in Epidemiology with a focus on maternal and child health. Specifically, I investigate how maternal illness during pregnancy, chronic conditions, and socio-economic factors affect children's health, as well as the consequences of poor well-being and chronic illness in children. Additionally, I am a Co-Principal Investigator on projects examining the side effects of COVID-19 vaccination and symptoms following COVID-19. I have extensive experience in epidemiological methods and data analysis, based on data from large population studies and registry data. I am a trained medical doctor.


My research focuses on whether chronic illness in mothers and children affects children's health and well-being as well as their later health. I generate knowledge for women with chronic diseases who wish to have children, and for parents of children with chronic illnesses or poor well-being. Additionally, I study the long-term effects of COVID-19 and am a co-PI of the BiCoVac project, which investigates the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and long-lasting symptoms following COVID-19. The goal is to understand who is most at risk for long-term symptoms following COVID-19.

Teaching activities

I am the course leader of and lecturer on Epidemiology and Biostatistics for medical students and the PhD course Basic Principles of Epidemiology. My goal is for students to learn epidemiological methods and become critical readers of health science literature. As a supervisor, I help students reflect on how to investigate research questions, analyse  data, conduct literature reviews, and write academic assignments. I am a co-author of the Danish textbook "Epidemiologi og Evidens (3rd edition)". 

Job responsibilities

I am a research leader and supervise several talented PhD students. Additionally, I teach and mentor engaged students on project assignments as well as bachelor and master theses. I am a member of the Study Board for Medicine, where I contribute to the development and well-being of the programme. Furthermore, I am a member of the Collaboration Committee and the Work Environment Committee at the Department of Public Health, as well as a member of the Academic Council at Health. I serve as an examiner on two examination boards.

Selected publications

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